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  1. 350ZZZ

    Nissan Z35 won't be crossover. Will be smaller, more affordable, more mainstream

    Didn't see this article from November posted. I like what it says - not crossover, more affordable, smaller.
  2. 350ZZZ

    Nissan Z35 vs 2015 Mustang

    What do you guys think of the new Mustang? The next gen Z will have to contend with it for sure. I hear sales are doing pretty well and as always they pack a lot of muscle into a pretty affordable car. The GT is 435 hp/400 lb-ft The 4 cylinder is 310 hp/320 lb-ft
  3. 350ZZZ

    Nissan Z35 or Hiatus?

    I see two possibilities right now for the future of the Z. 1) it returns to be a smaller, lighter, and more true to it's roots Z 2) hiatus from production..... again. What do you think is most likely?
  4. 350ZZZ

    Next Nissan Z Could Be Simply Called "Z"

    Do you guys think Nissan will just call it the "Z"? What do you think of such a simple name?
