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  1. wilkrod

    Trunk mystery parts

    Installed the aero deflectors yesterday, 10 min job with 10mm socket, also installed the chin spoiler, just need a hand rivet gun, also easy, don't even have to raise the car.
  2. wilkrod

    Drive Mode Selector?

    Bill, Thanks, I see my error, didin't realize I was seeing the mode switch in the auto section Agree the manual does not have the mode switch, but the synch switch instead, which I do have. Sorry for the confusion. Regards Jeff
  3. wilkrod

    Drive Mode Selector?

    Thanks, yes I have the synch switch, so does that also put you in sport mode when activated? Appreciate the help.
  4. wilkrod

    Drive Mode Selector?

    Hi All, Should my 24 Performance 6M/T have a Mode selector switch? Regards Jeff
  5. wilkrod

    Trunk mystery parts

    Well done! Thank you Sir.
  6. wilkrod

    Trunk mystery parts

    Thanks for the response guys, Anyone have a parts diagram that shows where these go? Regards Jeff
  7. wilkrod

    Trunk mystery parts

    Hi all, had my 2024 Performance M/T delivered today, found the lip spoiler and these two mystery parts in the trunk. Anyone know what they are? Regards Jef
