There are wheel shop3 that can make that rash disappear. If you can find one in your area that is good, you will be happily surprised and the cost is reasonable.
Not a stacked exhaust guy and prefer larger dual exhaust to two smaller stacks. To me, the dual's just look cleaner. The kit is nice, but I probably would not get it. Notice they show it on a red Z and the only red color Z's that seem to be around are on the Nismo.
WTF is the $699 Consumer Service Fee? We all know it is just a meaningless add on. I wonder what the dealer said the fee was for exactly? It’s still a decent deal, but just rubs me to see dealers do that sort of thing.
That looks like about as good a price as you are going to get. We are seeing similar situations with prices in the Houston area. There are a few holdout dealers that act like they are giving you a good deal at sticker, but their Z's aren't selling. If you want it, I would go and get it before...
I'm seeing $2,500+ off in the US Gulf coast area. Here's an example on a performance model just a couple miles from my house in Houston.
Dealer Discount
Dealer Discounted Price
Your Price
Looks like you got caught in a bombing run. LOL I take water and a soft cloth with a little car wash liquid and gently rub it off. Use a lot of water. I do the same thing two or three times and then just take clear water and wash off any soap or other residue drying with a microfiber or...
I have my system down so washing my pickup takes about 30 minutes, same for the Jeep Summitt. My 240 takes about 15 minutes to wash. Waxing on the truck is a 3-4 hour affair. Haven't waxed the Jeep as its basically new. The 240 can be waxed in about an hour, usually less, but I take my time...